Nets on the network
Sandhurst Amateur Radio And Electronics Group Digital Voice Net
Every Friday at 03:00 UTC from April through September & 02:00 UTC from October through March
Hosted by Tony, VK3IRL / VK3JED, and others
Pride Radio Group Net
Every Sunday at 02:00 UTC
Hosted by Kimberly, KJ7OMO, and others
Narwhal Amateur Radio Society Net
First Tuesday of every month at 10pm Eastern (02:00 UTC during DST or 03:00 UTC when DST is inactive)
Hosted by Vance, N3VEM
More coming later. Also, there may be impromptu or other nets not yet listed here, so st ay tuned, you'll never know what you might hear.
Wanna host your net on this network? Contact KJ7OMO or VK3JED :)
Every Friday at 03:00 UTC from April through September & 02:00 UTC from October through March
Hosted by Tony, VK3IRL / VK3JED, and others
Pride Radio Group Net
Every Sunday at 02:00 UTC
Hosted by Kimberly, KJ7OMO, and others
Narwhal Amateur Radio Society Net
First Tuesday of every month at 10pm Eastern (02:00 UTC during DST or 03:00 UTC when DST is inactive)
Hosted by Vance, N3VEM
More coming later. Also, there may be impromptu or other nets not yet listed here, so st ay tuned, you'll never know what you might hear.
Wanna host your net on this network? Contact KJ7OMO or VK3JED :)

This work by Kimberly Chase - KJ7OMO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.